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FBN Space Odyssey

Event Narrative

The FBN Space Odyssey to define success across generations

Adaptation is no longer enough, we need to explore together the galaxy of transformation.  

You + 17000 global FBN’ers are invited to go to places you thought you’d never go.

The new post COVID world is in a continuous state of flux. Navigating this changing universe is your maiden trip into the new world. 

Doing this together with your FBN peers will allow you to be exposed to stories and real life experiences of resilience, agility and creativity essential to your future success

Determine your escape velocity to take the leap. 

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, FBN has fueled the desire of its members to exchange with, learn from and be inspired by each other, by moving massively online and practicing “distant socialization”. In order to enable business families & members to thrive & transform across generations for a sustainable future now more than ever, we need to explore together. This is why we will take the FBN Space Journey. 

We are determined to help our members face the new challenges ahead by bringing our community together in a safe space. 

This year for 3 days, you can learn how to defy gravity, so leave your day to day behind. Discover your personal escape velocity to get ready to transform. 

Allow yourself and your fellow family members to take a step back and look at your planet from a different perspective. In hindsight it will reward you nicely. 

In order to prepare you to take this trip, you can join the training centre multiple days prior to the Launch Day.  As a space traveler you will be briefed on how to use the platform and get the best out of your upcoming trip into this new space. 

On Launch Day, altogether across the globe, we will countdown the launch of our rocket which will mark the beginning of our space odyssey and celebrate the gathering of the FBN international community.

After having successfully taken off, we’ll head to the FBN galaxy where we’ll start our expedition. Our mission will be to explore and contribute to the 3 planets, to encapsulate our findings back home. Each of the planets will have their own ecosystem with a variety of learning formats – some of which you may find either pleasing or more challenging. But it will be up to you to choose the itinerary that fits you.

Planet – INSPIRE to lead

Picture this planet, participants will learn from exceptional speakers on various topics that might spark new ideas. We are aiming to broadcast three keynote speakers with live Q&A in 3 different time zones to adapt the programme to our international crowd. Global behaviour is altered for good due to ripple effects in the new “low touch economy”in the foreseeable future

Planet LEARN to thrive 

This planet will focus on the families across our community and offer the opportunity to the chapters to share their DNA by broadcasting their best of their best locally while inspiring families across our network. This environment will enable our chapters to showcase virtual family visits, family cases and keynote speakers. The content will be mostly pre-recorded with live Q&A.

Planet EXCHANGE to sustain

The strength of FBN lies in the unspoken bonds, mutual understanding and trust that exist between its members. By sharing experience and knowledge, members support each other through both prosperous and difficult times. This planet will recreate this vision and host a safe space for our members to reconnect with their community. This environment will be all about exchange and peer-to-peer learning through different interactive formats:

–        Curated rooms with predefined topics such as family relations, family governance, personal development, entrepreneurship, value & culture etc. The various rooms will enable participants to have in-depth discussions with a limited number of peers.

–        Brain dates:  this space will look like a market of topics where participants will be able to post any subject of their choice whether personal, family or business-related. Members interested in the subject can simply join the conversation. This environment will be self-organized in terms of scheduling and without facilitation.

 So get ready, apply to get aboard the FBN spacecraft ! Go to places you thought you’d never go, thousands of miles away


How might we best celebrate the FBN Chapters in the new FBN Online Event?

  • Which best of the best content can you suggest and have access to?  (Keynotes, cases, formats etc)

Thank you for contributing your input here:

To see more details on the Event Design you can view the Mural below:

2020 FBN Space Odyssey Prototype by Ruud Janssen

You will be able to edit this mural.

For more information on this Event Design please contact Natsuda Minder or Ruud Janssen